

SAFE-SOLV Oil Well Solvents and Additives | OBM & SBM | 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台


Solvents and additives for displacing oil- and synthetic-based drilling fluid and solids

Additive forms a double emulsion in brine under shear

软化, 溶解, and suspend hydrocarbon deposits that could interfere with completion operations or well production

SAFE-SOLV溶剂s and additives are used to displace or remove oil- or synthetic-based drilling fluid and solids while maintaining a high health, 安全, 和环境(HSE)概况. The additives in this family reduce filtration costs and formation damage while increasing well productivity.

  • SAFE-SOLV OM fast-acting hydrocarbon solvent additive combines nonaromatic hydrocarbon and natural terpene solvents and surfactants for rapid grease solvency with less contact time than solvent-only pickling agents.
  • SAFE-SOLV E hydrocarbon solvent additive is a blend of nonaromatic hydrocarbon and natural terpene solvents designed to optimize grease solvency without using hazardous chemicals. 它是去除管道涂料的理想选择, OBM或SBM残基, 蜡, and 沥青质 as part of a full wash train or separately as part of a pipe pickling procedure before gravel-packing operations.
  • SAFE-SOLV 148 North Sea-approved cleaning solvent is a nonflammable, 可生物降解的, environmentally acceptable blend of solvents designed to remove pipe dope, 石蜡, 沥青质, and heavy crude oil deposits on tubular surfaces or wellbore.
  • SAFE-T-PICKLE high-flashpoint pipe dope solvent is a highly effective nonaromatic additive that contains no recognized carcinogens. It is effective in cleaning commonly used copper- and zinc-based compounds.